The Blessings of 2020

As the end of the year approaches, all of us are undoubtedly reflecting on how the past 10 months have changed us. I know 2020 has taught me several lessons that will stick around for years to come... And in case you're so inclined, feel free to grab a warm beverage (or that lingering slice of pumpkin pie) as I offer some of my own ruminations on a year like none other...

1. Roll with the Punches. 

Personally, I’m someone who enjoys a routine. Doesn’t have to be elaborate – but I do appreciate the predictability that comes with knowing what’s planned for my schedule each day. And just when I think I'm doing pretty darn well in the, "See – I'm not really a control freak" department, life has a way of reminding me otherwise. From the on-again off-again nature of my son's Fall football schedule, to the inability to walk my favorite trails thanks to the awful CO fires/air quality, to adjusting our coaching business from in-person to zoom with about 48-hours' notice – Some of my biggest frustrations of the year surrounded plans I THOUGHT I MADE, vs the situations that ACTUALLY HAPPENED. This year has taught me that I need to do a better job of rolling with the punches – and that even with well-strategized schedules, things don't always work out.

2. It's all About Your Perspective.

About a month ago, someone asked me how I would describe what I’ve experienced in 2020. My answer was, "I know this is crazy, but 2020 has actually been one of the best years of my life!" And it's true! I traveled for work and enjoyed every new client we met! I traveled for fun and made memories that will last a lifetime! I saw my family in rural Kansas five times this year! I laughed harder than I have in a LONG time, I took my own personal growth seriously, and I realized the importance of choosing to move forward despite the circumstances. Was 2020 a crappy year in many ways? No doubt. But I found a massive gift in 2020. And I won't let anyone take that perspective away from me! 

3. I Control what I Think

When significant and abrupt changes take place, it becomes imperative to have the right information to make the most informed decisions possible. But you know what? That decision to make – is still my own. Trust me… I’m not a denier of reality. However, there comes a point when being spoon-fed a certain type of diet is no longer in my best interests. The media might try to tell me what to think, the "fact checkers" on Facebook might try to tell me what to think, but the only person who decides what I get to think, is ME. I was relentless this year with choosing my own thoughts (not perfect, but definitely relentless) and because I took responsibility for my own personal thoughts, I was able to step back and take time to focus on what really mattered, allowing the rest to fall away. 

If you can, I'd highly encourage you to take the time to find your own positive lessons within 2020... And better yet, write them down! Writing down your thoughts allows you to double check the mountains from the molehills. Plus, it causes you to clarify yourself and focus on “the good,” rather than allowing your brain to circle in fear, or in other unhealthy ways. And by all means, enjoy the beverages while you do!

From our team to yours, we'd like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful Holiday Season!

Carrie Cox

Co-Founder and Corporate Liaison

The Hemp Business Advisors